Please, provide us with your contact information and let us know in which of our products you are interested.
You can also reach out directly to:
Kimberly Brown at
[email protected]
Licensed Wholesale Drug Distributor
Washington, DC | Morgantown, WV
Innova Pharmaceuticals © 2023 All Rights Reserved
Company President
Miss Brown is currently the senior executive at several domestic companies with a primary location in Washington, DC as President and CEO, which are involved in for-profit and public-private partnerships as well as complex commercial project management in the private sector including capital sourcing and interaction with financial institutions.
Extensive interaction with C-suite executives in various industries including healthcare, academics, Pharma R&D, and manufacturing on regular basis and managing multiple complex projects. Creating agendas and policy guidance for multicultural interactions in Washington, DC.
Ms. Brown is able to offer those skills in providing leadership and guidance in the day-to-day and long-term growth of Innova Pharma. Her direct project management involves labor oversight, financial and regulatory operations, complex commercial and industrial business development, and executive-level oversight in various national and international projects including data centers, project financial structuring, biotech start-up ventures as well as the development of new market entry models.
Healthcare Advisor
Dhruva (Drew) Gupta is an MD candidate at Harvard Medical School with a joint MS degree in Biomedical Informatics. He is interested in exploring the intersection of healthcare innovation and technology.
Drew is also the CEO of Mobile Memory, a venture that is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to screen for the earliest signs of dementia.
He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in Neuroscience from Yale College and has conducted extensive research in Alzheimer’s disease at various institutions including Harvard, Yale, and MIT with several well-known publications.
Company President